Thursday, 15 November 2012

Top Three Types Of Diamond Ring

Diamond Ring
A diamond ring is a single stone which is considered as the bouquet of joy, exquisite, and classy as well as it is the expression of love, and beauty. Diamond rings are one of the most popular jewelry among women. No matter what the occasion is, it’s rare to see a woman without a diamond ring flashing on her finger. Usually the rings are classified based on the occasion for which they are acquired. Now let’s look at how the rings are classified:
  • Diamond engagement rings: Usually diamond rings are used as engagement rings. These rings are given to the beloved one as a commitment of their life. If she accepts the ring, it indicates her acceptance of proposal of their marriage. Henceforth, she wears that ring as her engagement ring. In traditional days, only women wear these engagement rings but now it is common to see that both men and women wearing diamond rings.
  • Diamond wedding rings: You are right, as the name indicates that these rings are exchanged by the bride and bridegroom during their wedding. Most bridegrooms’ wish to give diamond studded rings to the bride as the symbol of pure love and affection. This custom is originated from Europe and then spread across cultures in various parts of the world.
  • Diamond anniversary rings: Since diamonds are the symbol of love, commonly man express their love to their wife by presenting them a diamond ring for their anniversary. Usually they prefer heart shaped diamond either white or yellow stone.
These are the top three types of diamond rings that women commonly worn. Choose the best and right diamond based on the occasion and express your love and affection to your beloved one.

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